Monday, October 19, 2009

We have 2 WINNERS and some fun Halloween projects

Find the tutorial for these ADORABLE cat pillows here.Make these scary Spiderweb Cupcakes by following the recipe here.
Learn how to make this Treat bag tree here. Isn't it too cute!?
This lantern is spooky. You could use bats too. Learn how to make it here. It reminds me of the moon so maybe a witches silhouette on a broom would be cute, too.

We have two winnners. The Random Number Generator selected numbers 40, If the Hat fits by Jackie and 22, Karen Harvey Cox. CONGRATULATIONS, Jackie and Karen!! I will pop your BOO banners in the mail Tuesday.


  1. what cool ideas!! and congrats to the 2 winners!!

  2. Great ideas Tammy!

    Congratulations to the winners :)


  3. So many cute Halloween-y treats! Those pillows remind me of my recent post about a decoration.

  4. What great ideas, thanks for sharing :)

  5. Hi Tammy
    Thanks for sharing those great halloween ideas. I especially love the treat bag tree and the cat pillows.

  6. Sweet little kitty cats, I love them!
    Congrats to the winners!
    and love to you Tammy :)

  7. Wonderful...
    Everything looks great...
    And, I agree... the Treat Bag Tree is way too Cute!!
    Thanks for permission to use your Ferret photo... I've done a post about her, with a link back to your blog... and she's also on my sidebar, with a link to your Etsy shop so folks can buy a print of her if they want!
    CONGRATS to your Winners!
    ~ blessings ~

  8. Tammy your blog is always so inspiring - I love all these Hallowe'en ideas! Now just need to find the time to try some of them ...!

  9. congrats to your found some really cute projects...i just love those cat pillows!!!

  10. I love all your ideas Tammy!! I think that tree is particularly fab! It would work well for Christmas too I think.


Thank you for stopping in and saying hello. You have made my day! Enjoy yours!