Friday, August 31, 2012

Through my macro lens

I was out in my garden this afternoon with my macro lens prepared to take a picture of a dragonfly. Well, it flew away just as I prepared to click the shutter. So since I was out I decided to take a few closeups shots. The one above feels so romantic to me. I love these multi-colored flowers. They appear to have tiny little flowers that make up the large bloom.

  I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.  ~Henry David Thoreau  We grew great big Elephant Ears from bulbs, this year. They are enormous and I just love their curves and rippled edges.
Each fairy breath of summer, as it blows with loveliness, inspires the blushing rose.  ~Author Unknown This is a hibiscus bloom all snug just waiting to unfold it's gorgeous petals and show off it's fuzzy little round headed stamens. 

I hope you are enjoying the remnants of summer. I missed the fireflies this year. There weren't any here. :( But there were lots of these little guys that live on the front shrubs. They are tiny and bright orange with long spindly black legs. I had to get really close to capture this one. Nature is so fascinating, refreshing and inspiring. Enjoy! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Priti Lisa's Art Journal Spoiler Alert

This is Lisa's Art Journal. Isn't it so cool?! I love the metal  and rusty elements. She added the number 8 because there are 8 of us participating in this Round Robin.
These are my 2 pages. She loves Saints and crosses and quotes so I tried to combine all of those in my layout.
I added a few quotes that I think are special, like Lisa. One is Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it. ~Danny Kaye
Saint Anne and Mary
A favorite quote of mine that suits this art journal...
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do"~Mother Theresa
Frida Kahlo is one of Lisa's favorite artists so I included one of Frida's quotes. "Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"
So I packed her up, added a bow and sent her flying off to the next artist, Kim.