We're in the process of moving. It has been 12-14 hour days cleaning the new place after work and packing up the old place, buying new light fixtures, doors, appliances, fences, etc. Iyi yi yi...can you say, cha ching? Anyway, I wanted you all to know I miss you and I am here just no time for anything fun right now. We have a very hectic schedule coming up so it is good that we have 5 weeks before our lease is up. But, and that's a big but, we are vacationing in June and that means we only have like 3 weeks. My dogs are barkin' every night. Heard the oddest thing the other day from a little old lady at work. She said a nurse once told her after a hard day on your feet before bed put a bar of soap in between your sheet and mattress pad at the foot of your bed so your feet can touch them and they will feel better. So my feet were throbbing the other night after a 14 hour day between work and the new place, so I tried it and darn if it didn't work. It was the craziest thing I ever heard. Very odd. Can't imagine why it works but my feet stopped throbbing within a minute or two. Try it. Supposed to be good for leg cramps. She said her dog tries to lay on it too because it has arthritis but she has to push it off. So I suggested she add another bar of soap under the sheets. lol So silly.
Okay, we are just in after 14 hours and I am tired but I wanted to say Hi and let you know what was up. I have to get up at 5:30 a so off to bed I go. Sweet dreams.