Saturday, April 25, 2009

Glorious Spring weekend!

I am making a pitcher of iced tea. Today will be in the mid 80's. Woohoo! We are doing some hardscaping today in the backyard. I will take some before and after shots but it won't be done for another week or so. We have to have a truck load of pea gravel delivered. Wish my work gloves were this pretty. lol Mine are purle and grungy now. They get lots of use.
I harvested a baggie full of morning glory seeds from last years plant, if you'd like some let me know. This is what they look like. They are open in the morning, hence the name morning glory and close tightly in the afternoon. They are a vine and grow like crazy. Mine are in the afternoon sun only.
Lowes had this purple salvia (a perennial) on sale for $2/ea. so I bought 8. I love them. They add great color, some height and texture to the beds.

I harvested some seeds from my coreopsis plants last year too so I will be planting those this weekend, as well. Aren't they so cheery?!
I hope you have a lovely sunny weekend and get to enjoy the outdoors. I love getting into the garden. It is so therapeutic. I often thought if I ever won the lottery I would love to build gardens for hospital patients to enjoy. Maybe even tend to if they were able. It is so relaxing and gratifying when you start seeing your work pay off.
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  1. Hi Tammy,
    Lucky you - I had already brought home some annual bedding plants and the yard was raked - then....THE SNOW. Looks like you'll have a perfect Saturday afternoon. The DAILY OM is a daily article you can subscribe to. The messages are always very clear and lovely!

  2. Oh I'd love some of your seeds! I'm going to plant some sunflowers in a circle and then have these climb up them to make a flower fort for my daughter. Doesn't that sound fun (if it works)?

  3. Hi Tammy
    Hope you are enjoying your lovely weather and time in your garden this weekend. That's a great idea to build gardens for hospital patients to enjoy. We have a sensory garden nearby for blind people to enjoy. I love how they chose so many different textures and scents for the garden.

  4. I love salvia and coreopsis, too. Wish I had garden space at my condo.

  5. If you have any seeds left, I would luuuuv to have a few thrown my way. How cool that would be!

  6. I make french beaded morning glories in a variety of color but have never planted them outside. I would love to have some seeds if you have enough!


Thank you for stopping in and saying hello. You have made my day! Enjoy yours!