Thursday, August 21, 2008

A warm welcome

Nothing beckons like a front porch, especially a wraparound porch. It offers shade on a hot sunny day, possibly with a pitcher of fresh ice cold lemonade, or sweet tea if you'd rather. A porch swing is even better. It's place to think, to comfort. Remember the wonderful times you had swinging while growing up. We all tens to swing our legs if we are sitting with them dangling over a wall. Wonder why that is? We tend to rock back and forth with babies or while holding pets, hmmm...movement is soothing. Flowers and plants surrounding the porch offer privacy and something pretty to look at. I like to take a good book out onto my front porch with a glass of wine. It is very relaxing. We also like to eat summer meals there. I have added candles and a candleabra for ambiance. My husband enjoys sitting in the rocker while reading the paper on Sunday mornings or enjoying a cold beverage after working in the yard, or grilling. The shade makes it feel at least 10 degrees cooler, than the direct sun. See the picture of the cottage above, my dream home. The white picket fence and all. It looks so fresh with the white trim against the lush greenery. I can see myself chatting with family and friends, enjoying a good book, reading the paper, having dinner or just swinging and listening to nature. How about you? What beckons you to come and enjoy?

1 comment:

  1. Looks dreamy! We don't really have the porches down here in So. Fla...just back patios usually surrounding a pool. So darned hot that you have to swim to be outside!~janet~


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