Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Some fun photo art and Word Wednesday Challenge

Big Huge Labs is a really cool site where you can create your own motivational posters, puzzles, make your images look like magazine covers, postmarked images, Pop art and all sorts of really cool stuff. It's so fun!! The above stamp was made using the image from my balcony when we vacationed in Aruba several years ago. A tulip from my garden last spring turned into a puzzle.

I could play around with it for hours. I just may do that too on a day off. I found an inspirational quote online and made my own title and put that and an image together to make the poster above. After looking and looking for a quote that I liked I fell in love with this one. How perfect. It epitomizes motherhood to me. Below is pop art featuring moi, just for fun.

So go have some fun with it but don't blame me if you get sucked in and lose track of time like I did.
Okay, okay onto the word challenge. This weeks challenge is fun and simple. Some of you may know the game Balderdash. Well our family loves playing this game when we all get together. The idea behind it is to make others believe your answer is the correct one. So I have a couple of words for you to figure out. One of the 3 meanings is correct. You choose which one and put your answer in your comments. I will let you all know the answers in Thursdays post. Have fun! No cheating and Googling it. =)
1. fabrefaction
a. act of fashioning or making a work of art
b. fashioning a garment with multiple fabrics
c. multiple fabrications
2. stiricide
a. the combining of chemicals to form a pest control formula
b. the falling of icicles from a house
c. the death of the stirrup pants trend
3. phalerate
a. scientific name for an orchids cross propagation
b. a reaction to eating hot curry
c. ornamented
If you would like to invite others to play Word Challenge Wednesday, please add the button in my sidebar and a link back here.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! We are half way through the week.


  1. Oh my gosh, I've never heard of these words, and your definitions are hilarious! I'll have to give this some thought...

  2. Hey Tammy, someone posted about that same digital website last week. Definitely a fun place to go and yes, you could lose a lot of time, so I haven't done too much yet. I made one of the postcards like you did and it was very fast so that was a plus.

    I definitely would say that last word makes no sense to me at all. Hope you are having a great day. For us, the weekend starts tomorrow after school. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  3. I love what you did with your pictures! Thank you for the link.

    I've never played Balderdash but it sounds like loads of fun. My answers for the word challenge are fabrefaction - A
    stiricide - B
    phalerate - C

  4. I love Bighugelabs too, though I haven't tried too many of the features. Your pop art Tammy is fab, I've always been tempted by that one!

    Hm - I like word games! Probably be totally wrong but I'll go for -
    1. A
    2. B (though C would be hilarious!)
    3. A

  5. Hello! My first time playing! I'm thinking...

    Fabrefaction is a
    Stiricide is b
    Phalerate is a

    Who knows!!!

  6. Hi Tammy,
    Have to tell you that thanks to you, I tryed this--made some with my daughter and grandchildren, and they were wild with the results, so this great adress were one more send on ,out in the world-to them.


Thank you for stopping in and saying hello. You have made my day! Enjoy yours!